Program Objectives The Master of Science in Construction Management (M.Sc. CM) program is designed to bring corporate change in Nepal through transformation of students into competent construction managers, executives, and entrepreneurs capable of becoming strategic change agents in the corporate and social world. The program focuses on developing social and developmental outlook and adequate skill in analysis, decision-making, implementation, leadership, and communication among the students. The specific objectives of the program are as follows: To provide students a firm grasp of broad-based and integrated fundamentals of construction management with real-life applications. To develop professional construction managers who can effectively lead construction projects in a highly dynamic and competitive global construction business environment
A notice inviting applications for admission is publicly announced. Application forms and information brochures are provided, on request, after the payment of the prescribed fee. The concerned college scrutinizes the application. The eligible candidates are informed to take the entrance test. The date and time for the entrance test are informed to the applicants by the concerned colleges. Final selection of students will be made on the basis of their aggregate scores in the entrance test, experience and their previous academic records. A college may, however, modify the selection procedure to suit its needs with prior approval of the Dean. The final decision on admission is taken on the basis of selection procedure as below:
a) BE/ B Tech Score: 20 (Div I = 20, Div II = 10)
b) Experience Score: 20 (2 marks per year for maximum of 10 years)
c) Entrance test: 60
Total: 100
Eligibility:- B.E. in any stream & B.E. in Civil respectively
Requirement Documents for Admission